Pearl Milet
The most extensivley cultivated millet is peral milet. Large stems,leaves and heads characterise this summer cerel grass. In terms of farm land and contributions to food secuirty in parts of africa & asia that can only produce limited amounts of other crops. Pearl milet is the most significant species of milet. Compared to other milet such as sorghum or maize. IT utilizes mositure more effectvely. Pearl milet can be benficial in the process of weight loss as ot is high in fiber cotent and also gives satiety asa it takes a longer time to pass through the stomach to the itenstine. It has been found that due to its high fiber content risk of ocuurance of gall stone is low . Pearl milet had phosphorus and a rich source of calcium which helps to attain peak bone density
Sorghum Milet
Sorghum is a crop from the gramineae family that is high in carbohydrates and has the scientific name Sorghum bicolor . It is one of staple crop for million of semi arid residents . It is also known as the ” King of Millet ” . Its main ingredient in strach , which is digested more slowly than in other cereals and also has alow protein and fat digestibility . The onset of non-communiable disease is significantly infulence by oxidative stress and excessive free radical production The expression of the phase II enzyme is controlled by sorghum derived phenolic chemicle . These operate as the body’s natural defence against oxidative stress by converting higlhy reactive electrophilic species (RES) into harmless and excretable metabolites.
Finger Milet
Another singnificant staple grain in Eastern africa & Asia is Finger millet often known as Ragi in India. At the top of the steam and the plant has many spike or fingers . The grainse are tiny (1-2 mm in diameter) Finger millet grains are rich in minerlas , dietry fibre , polyphenols and proteins. Finger millet which is rich in calcium plays as important role in growing children , pregnant women as well as people suffering from obesity . Diabestes and malnutrition . It contains high amount of potassium for the proper functioning of the kidney and brains and allows the brain and muscle to work smoothly .
Foxtaile Milet
Foxtail millet an annual grass plant produces seeds that posssess health promoting properties owing to its unquie protein composition containinng a high content of essential amino acids . It is one of the earliest cultivated crop .extensively grown in the arid and semi arid region of asia and africa as well as in some other economically developed countries of the world where it is more commonly used as bird feed . Antinutireents like phytic acid and tannin present present in this millet can be reduce to undetectable amount by using the proper processing methods . Additionally the millet is said to have antioxident , low glycemic index and Hypolipidemic properties .
Barnyard Milet
Barnyard millet is a short duration crop that grow in adverse envoirmental conditions with almost no input and can withstand various biotic and abiotic stresses . In addition to theses agronomic advantage the grains are valued for their high nutritional value and lower expense as compared to major cereals like rice , wheat and maize . it contains a rich source of protein , carbohydrates , fiber and most notbly . Micronutrients like iron & zinc that are related to numerous health benefits. All these feathure make Barnyard millet an ideal supplementary crop for subsistence farmer and also as an alternate crop during the failure of monsoon in rice / major crop cultivating areas .
Kodo Milet
In India , Kodo millet grown mostly in the Deccan region and the cultivation extends to the foothills of Himalayas. Kodo millet is rich in dietary fiber and minerlas like iron , antioxident . The phosphorus content in kodo millet is lower than any other millet and its antioxident potential is much higher than any other millet and major cereals . Higher amount of antioxidants helps against oxidative stress and maintain glucose concerntrations in type -2 daibestes Kodo millet is useful in curing asthama , migraine , blood pressure , heart attack and atherosclerosis , diabetic heart disease and for postmenopausal in female .